Get Up and Fight

Get Up and Fight

I just had a conversation with a neighbor and she was crying. As a mixed race person she felt like she lost. I mentioned to her that I feel we are ready for a female president, but Kamala just wasn’t ready or may not be that person. If Kamala thinks ,and her supporters think, she…

$20K at birth
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Investing in America’s Future: A $20,000 Investment at Birth Could Change Everything

Investing In America’s Future – – click to visit the website. Imagine a world where every American child is born with a safety net. A world where, upon taking their first breath, each newborn is handed a key to their future—a $20,000 investment that can grow to over $100,000 by the time they turn…

Overcoming Feelings of Defeat
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Overcoming Feelings of Defeat

My father passed away on December 19, 2023. During the months leading up to his passing, I struggled with conflicting emotions including very painful memories of my father leaving my mother when I was six and my family moving into a smaller house and suddenly everything became more difficult. Those early years set a platform…

First Principles Thinking – Palestine & Israel
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First Principles Thinking – Palestine & Israel

Many of us have been following the news of war between Hamas in Palestine and Israel. The conflict has a long history lasting thousands of years. Within the past eighty years, due to persecution of Jewish people especially in Europe, many Jewish people have migrated to what is now Israel, putting even more focus or…

The Overton Window

The Overton Window

I was listening to a podcast last night focused on investments and issues that investors care about. When identifying a mission for a company or developing a product, it is important to focus on issues that matter. People (a.k.a investors) invest in companies that are reflective of their issues and brands that are in line…

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