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Dog & Cat Bill of Rights

I was listening to a Joe Rogan podcast this morning and Marc Andresseen of Andresseen Horrowitz. The topic of AI intelligence and rights came up. Then, they started discussing whether computers, specifically AI computer systems, could have rights. Do they feel? Are they original beings with feelings? Then the topic switched to animals other than…

They Created a Star.  Now What?
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They Created a Star. Now What?

So, the biggest news this week other than someone talking trash about some politicians was the announcement of successful positive energy from a fusion test. It sounds like the biggest significance is as an option other than nuclear power, and hopefully safer though the announcers didn’t say anything about the safety of it. The biggest…

Energy Prices Through the Roof
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Energy Prices Through the Roof

Earlier this year, I was thinking about converting my home heating system from diesel gas a.k.a. oil to natural gas or electric. I am not under any contract with a home heating oil supply company and have done some research about new systems, energy efficiency ratings and equipment options. I feel energy pricing is unpredictable,…

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